
Breaking: The Dragonball Movie Might Be Terrible


What, you wanted something eloquent? Too bad. This thing looks like hell. It certainly doesn’t look like a major motion picture which cost millions of dollars. FilmDrunk says it looks like a Sci-Fi Original Movie, but I think it’s more like an ABC Family Original Movie, a la Samurai Girl–the special effects don’t look any more special than you’d find in an episode of Kyle XY, and despite ostensibly being an action film, you can tell there’s going to be no actual violence in the film–just the lower end of PG-rated brawling. But hey–thank god they renamed it Dragonball Evolution, right? They certainly dodged a bullet there!

Did you know that this movie was filmed in an abandoned Mexican jeans factory? Yeah. I’m sure Casablanca and The Godfather were as well.
