
Joss Whedon-Less Week Begins at Topless Robot

Based on all the complaints I’ve been getting that I love Joss Whedon and fawn over all his projects and frequently provide Joss Whedon with oral sex, I’ve decided to not mention Joss Whedon for an entire week here at Topless Robot. No matter what Joss Whedon-news occurs, I won’t be mentioning Joss Whedon, his show Dollhouse, or any of his other projects. At all. Not once. Joss Whedon. Not happenin’.

Yeah, right. Like I’m going to let you readers push me around? Fuck and no. That’s the trailer for Marvel’s Astonishing X-Men motion comic, which looks better than most motion comics because of John Cassady’s awesome art, but, in case you didn’t know, was written by Joss Whedon. And, although I don’t suck Joss Whedon’s dick (I don’t own any Joss Whedon shows or movies on DVD, actually), I thought his Astonishing X-Men was superb, although I’m not much of an X-Men fan. Enjoy. Or scream in misery. Either works for me.