
Pok?mon the Movie: Pok? Harder

Someone made a neat but exceedingly not real trailer for an adult, “gritty” Pok?mon movie. It’s pretty shockingly good looking, with good special effects and CG Pok?mon critters — not quite good enough for a big American movie, but certainly reasonably for a big Japanese movie. Of course, then it would need to star Japanese people, which it doesn’t. Also, I’m pretty sure if anyone did make a dark n’ gritty Pok?mon reboot — dark n’ gritty enough that someone actually holds a gun to their own head, at least — they’d probably change the logo, too. Oh well. It’s still fun and neat-looking. Although I do wish the guys that made it had just released the footage instead of pretending it’s some kind of secret cam footage. Sigh. If you want to know more about attempted ruse, head over to Shogun Gamer.