
About 45 Bewilderingly Awesome Seconds of John Carter Footage

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The Good Morning America lady in this clip is going to tell she’s about to premiere the new John Carter trailer. She lies. This is a portion, a short version, of the actual John Carter trailer that will come out later this week, apparently. Still, this 45-second look is more than enough for me to put John Carter as one of the films I’m most excited about, somewhat behind Avengers but at the moment ahead of The Dark Knight Rises.

I’m not sure why it is. Maybe it’s that this footage looks so much more epic than the last video that came out. Maybe it’s because I love when people take classic sci-fi novels and make movies that appreciate their source material, not shove it under the rug. Maybe it’s because I know it was written and is being directed by Andrew Stanton of Wall-E and Pixar fame. Maybe it’s because I have a man-crush on Taylor Kitsch (it’s not my fault; Ms. Robot made me watch Friday Night Lights, and I defy anyone with working sexual organs not to fall for Riggins). Or it may be because this trailer uses an awesome orchestral version of Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir,” a song that never fails to make me want to kick ass — or watch people kick ass, at least. Or maybe it’s all of it. I don’t know. All I know is whenever I get to post the full trailer, I can’t guarantee I’ll have pants on. (Via /Film)