
Ghostbusters: The Conspiracy Theory Documentary


You probably thought the biggest conspiracy surrounding Ghostbusters involved Dan Aykroyd’s constant lies that a new movie is all ready to go…or that Bill Murray won’t make a movie that is in no way ready to get greenlit anyway.

WRONG. Did you know the whole movie has a secret subtext about processed foods and fertility? It’s anti-smoking agenda? The role the Columbia woman plays in all this?

Following in the footsteps of Room 237, Spook Central is a documentary that looks at all the craziest theories, possibly making you think that the answer to “Who you gonna call?” is “a shrink.”

But are you a god? No, you aren’t. So can you prove them wrong, or are you just trying to slime people you’ve never met?

I don’t know that we’re quite ready to believe them. But watch the trailer after the jump and you tell us.