
Super Terrific Japanese Thing: Official Gundam Toy of 7-11


Normally when I highlight something as part of this feature, I’m distancing myself from it, wondering what the hell they put in the sushi back in its country of origin to make people’s interests so weird. Not this time. Today, I stand atop my desk and yell, “WHY CAN’T WE GET TOYS AT OUR 7-11 STORES, AMERICA????”

Japan not only gets them, apparently – they get their own exclusives. Like a freakin’ 7-11 Gundam. Or whatever this not-technically-an-actual-Gundam robot is officially called.


Presumably open for ass-whuppin’ 24-7, this guy will beat your head so far into oblivion that you won’t have anything to say beyond “thank you, come again!” I’m drooling so hard right now that I need to give my lips a good slurp…ee.

Now import this sumbitch, 7-11, because I don’t trust many international sites. There’s an outside chance he could dethrone chili-pump nachos and that Ben & Jerry’s flavor with salted caramel as my favorite exclusive. Of course you know the chutney Squishee would rule them all, but I suspect that is never meant to be.

via, h/t troi