
George Romero’s Son Is Crowdfunding a Living Dead Prequel


Maybe I’ve just been missing the point all these years, but I kinda thought one of the key elements of Night of the Living Dead – so key that The Walking Dead has it too – is that it doesn’t matter WHY it’s happening. By the time you get to the explanation of a Venus probe, it’s like getting to the Xenu story in Scientology – in a vacuum it sounds stupid, but by that point you’re invested enough that it’s irrelevant.

And yet Cameron Romero, who implicitly slams The Walking Dead in his pitch (“Full of eventful ‘cliffhangers’ to sell TV commercials and DVD box sets”), wants to make an entire movie about that space probe. And based on the video below, it looks like he’s going to make explicit the Vietnam War subtext that was or wasn’t in the original film, depending on what day George Romero was asked about it. $150,000 is being sought, with the rest to be provided by backers who will presumably be sufficiently impressed by the Indiegogo campaign.

It’ll probably be fine. I mean, what could possibly go wrong with a prequel to a 50-something year-old movie that’s in the public domain?

via Nerdist