
The Walking Dead SPOILER Recap: Self-Help



Quick thoughts:

-I’m really starting to like Eugene, probably because a redneck with Aspergers is something I’ve never seen depicted onscreen…but something I’ve encountered a lot in real life.

-Wrestling fans, if you ever dreamed of a Sheamus-Eugene Dinsmore match, you kinda got it this week.

-Abraham’s dreams are more boring and more cheaply shot than Michonne’s.

-Why would anyone ever let Abraham drive again?

-The bloody fists are going to mean something. And I mean something more than, “My God, I’ve got blood on my hands.” Maybe the virus will go airborne?

– “Tennessee Top Hat.” Nice.

-Even though Eugene’s a liar, he still makes a pretty good case for going to DC.

-Firehoses split people’s heads open now? Or do we just assume zombies have softer heads?

-Oh shit, it’s the killer tire from Rubber! Oh wait, no, just more zombies.

-HG Wells’ Shape of Things to Come predicted a world war that would last decades, followed by a pretty cool sci-fi future. Somehow I don’t expect a direct mirroring.

-You mad people died in vain, Abraham? That’s what happens when you get a biblical name loaded with symbolism, most commonly associated with sacrifice. I see you’ve already gotten to work trying to father a new tribe.

-Of all the places in town to loot, Glenn thinks Goodwill will have decent supplies? Has he ever been in a Goodwill?

-What exactly is that thing ahead on the road? A dairy farm full of zombies? It’s really hard to tell.

-Next week, Daryl! Yay.