
Big Game: Trailer for a Finnish Movie in Which Samuel L. Jackson Is an Action President


Is it wrong that when I see a movie in which Samuel L. Jackson is the president of the United States, all I can think about is what the campaign trail must have been like? “Say ‘tort reform’ on more time, motherfucker, I dare you!” Or the negotiations with Putin that would probably plunge us into war? Nah, never mind, in this world Dolph Lundgren is probably president of Russia and they’d work it out with a fistfight.

Meanwhile, in the actual movie, a little Finnish boy with a bow and arrow is apparently all that stands between President Nick Fury and an army of terrorists in the woods. I really, really hope there’s a moment where one of the bad guys is about to shoot Jackson, and, indicating the boy, asks the all important question…

“Finnish? Him?”

via Geeks of Doom