
First Look: Legendary Comics Pacific Rim: Tales From the Drift, 2 New Titles


The new Pacific Rim title follows from the previous Tales From Year Zero, and so presumably still predates the events of the first movie and does not as yet un-cancel the apocalypse – but we are promised it “will feature Jaegers never before seen in combat, squaring off against all-new Kaiju creatures,” as well as a story written by the film’s screenwriter Travis Beacham.

Continue for more artwork, plus a look at two new original titles from Legendary…


In related news, Legendary is running a contest where you can win original Pacific Rim comic art, movie posters, NECA’s massive Otachi figure and more. I may not have been the hugest fan of the property, but the prize packages are damn cool even to me.

Meanwhile, in titles NOT about Guillermo del Toro’s giant fookin’ robutts versus giant fookin’ monsters, we have, first of all, Black Bag, from iZombie creator Chris Roberson, about a suburban wife-turned-covert government assassin.


And then there’s Steven Grant’s Cops For Criminals, “about a federal agent forced to find true justice in the criminal underworld,” which really doesn’t tell us a lot so far; tales like this are in the details rather than the premise. Though the artwork reminds me a lot of the old Spawn HBO cartoon.


The Pacific Rim comic will be out in November, with the other two due at as-yet-unspecified fall dates.