
Ray Parker Jr. Is an Ageless Vampire Who Wants to Sing About Your Mom [UPDATED]


Is he a god? Maybe. The guy who sang the Ghostbusters theme doesn’t look like he’s aged a day in 30 years….



Advertising magic at its finest? There’s more. In a strange bit of career revival/advertising synergy, he and other singers are soliciting Facebook comments about your mom on the Got Milk? page that they will turn into Mother’s Day songs, with the best ones getting radio airplay.

It’s kinda cool to see Ray back in any sort of public eye whatsoever, but even better are the comments from the senior art director at the ad agency responsible:

“One thing we’ve found with milk is that there definitely is an association there with moms, so we saw this as an opportunity to thank those moms,”

Really? How long did it take you to find that moms actually produce milk? Like, from their bodies and stuff? Because I had no idea anybody knew that secret.

Also, RE: Parker:

“For a certain generation, he is one of those musicians that a lot of our moms listen to.”

He is?

I have a question for any moms who may be reading: without cheating by using the Internet, name ANY TWO Ray Parker Jr. songs that are not “Ghostbusters.” Come to think of it, maybe there’s a better ’80s icon for this gig….