
Toy News/Fan Site The Fwoosh is Kickstartering Its Own Action Figure Line


Even a couple of years ago, something like this wouldn’t have been possible, but we live in an age of wonders when, thanks to digital sculpting and 3D printing, a website dedicated to the love of toys can create the figure line they’ve always wanted to see. Naturally, it’s ninjas.

Scaled similarly to popular lines like the Star Wars black series and Marvel Legends, “Articulated Icons: The Feudal Series” will feature the kind of sculpted details collectors expect, plus fully articulated and customizable parts, so you can make your ninja look how you want (and possibly come close to duplicating notable ninja characters not currently made in that scale, but understandably they couldn’t say that even if it were true).

A $35 pledge gets you the basic ninja (the one above is the deluxe) but at higher prices you get more, ahem, bucks for your buck – $90 scores you three basic figures or two of the deluxes. If you just want the roof bases (which connect to each other and can be used for similar figures in the scale) there’s a pledge level for that too.

I love what our web brethren are doing here, and hope it starts a trend, though if we ever did a customizable TR toy line, I shudder to think what it would be. Manicorns, perhaps?