
So This Prototype Game Seems Kinda Fun

I was scanning though my videogame feeds yesterday when I saw “Hulk + Crackdown x Grand Theft Auto = Prototype.” Since the recent Hulk games have been pretty sweet beat-’em-ups, the cities of Grand Theft Auto have always been impressive, and Crackdown is one of my favorite games of recent memory, I was intrigued. And then I saw this:

So I feel safe in saying Prototype is going to be rather awesome. As far as I can tell, you’re a dude with a symbiote and a sweet hoodie who uses his new superpowers in the way we all would — killing everybody who ever looked at him funny. You have different combat modes which include claws, a sword-like blade, tentacles, hammer hands and assumably more, so there’s tons of smashing options; the city looks huge and your powers let you run around and above all of it; and you fight the military with all their tanks and helicopters, along with mutants. Oh, and you eat people to stay healthy. And you’re a very messy eater.

There are three new videos from NYCC over at GameTrailers — two developer walkthroughs and one video of DC talking about the surely mediocre comic book tie-in — but I picked this older video because it’s a better, cooler representation of the game, and it features the guy throwing an innocent man at a helicopter while it’s flying. And that’s all I think anyone needs to see.