Monthly Archive:: January 2010
War for Cybertron’s Optimus Prime and Megatron Toys Revealed! (Somewhere Else!)
?We saw the magnificent War for Cybertron Bumblebee earlier this week, and now
Super Terrific Japanese Thing: Yotaro
What? Did you say you wanted another terrifying fake baby? You got it!Yotaro
Silly Star Wars Video Trifecta
No, I mean it -- these are three videos of immense inconsequence. But
Sexy Costumes Most Nerd Girls Wouldn’t Be Caught Dead In
Offered without comment a slew of new outfits from Costume Craze:? Sexy Wolverine??
Caprica’s Season 1 Trailer Reveals Three Reasons Why You Should Watch Caprica
I'm not watching Caprica. My excuse is that I still haven't seen seasons
The Mystery of Captain America’s New Head (Updated!)
?Dear TR readers, the mystery has been solved. As it turns out, this
The Legend of Chun Li, Guile, Cammy, and Some Chick with a Yin Yang in her Eye
When Super Street Fighter IV comes out in April, it'll have more than
The Best Way to Order a Pizza Ever
Shockingly, I'm not talking about a porn film where the sexy pizza-orderer opens