Monthly Archive:: November 2010
Super Terrific Japanese Thing: “Welcome to Japan” Bra
So it's a map, a trilingual greeter, and a billboard. Unfortunately, it's not
So Family Guy Star Wars Something Mumble
Family Guy is doing their third direct-to-DVD Star Wars parody, this one based
The Tiniest of Sucker Punches
The official Sucker Punch website released five new trailers for the movie, and
Two More Awkward Minutes of G.I. Joe Renegades Footage
I... uh... well. This new footage of the G.I. Joe Renegades cartoon is
Harry Potter Discusses Playing Daniel Radcliffe
I Am Harry Potter from Daniel RadcliffeIt's official. I have nerd boy crush
The 10 Nerd Movies Most Superior to Their Books
?"The book was better." It's a common response when any geek sees a
Dr. Mindbender Knows How to Treat the Ladies
Guys, I feel like I've let you down. Almost a month ago, I
God Help Me, I Can’t Stop Talking About the Spider-Man Musical
Friends, nerds, countrymen -- I come here not to rag on Spider-Man: Turn
Indiana Jones and the Table Manners of Doom
Our buddy OneMinuteGalactica has made another amazing PSA, this time demonstrating why you