It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s a Crazy Dude Who’s Had Repeated Plastic Surgery to Look Like Superman!
Please, do yourself a favor and start humming the Superman theme by John Williams while you read this. It will improve the experience immeasurably.
?A 35-year-old Filipino man named Herbert Chavez is trying to become Superman. Not in the traditional, shoot a baby in to space way, but a far creepier method — repeated plastic surgery. From Robot 6:
According to []’s translation of this news report,
the “pageant trainer” confirms he’s had chin augmentation to achieve
the cleft, rhinoplasty for Christopher Reeve’s nose, silicone injections
to his lips, and thigh implants. Looking at Chavez’s before and after
photos, the RealSelf experts speculate he’s also had eye surgery, cheek
augmentation and jaw augmentation.
You can see the “before,” “after” and “final goal” pictures above. Also, THIGH IMPLANTS. A few thoughts:
? This really should have been Superman’s new DCnU origin.
? Actually, it’s a shame DC’s new 52 didn’t come out earlier, because then Herbert could have become Superman just wearing a Superman logo t-shirt, some jeans, a red towel tied around his neck.
? The only person I’ve ever heard of getting that many plastic surgeries was Michael Jackson, but it least it all worked out for him.
? I have a hard time imagining Drunken Hobo Russell Crowe as Jor-El in the upcoming Superman movie, but I can very much see him in a movie with Herbert.
? If nothing else, Belly Krang Guy looks immensely sober and reasonable now. he should send Herbert a thank you card.