
Kenner’s Super Powers Figures Return – as Gentle Giant 12-Inchers

Action Figure Insider

Though they almost certainly won’t include the “Power Action” features that activated when legs or arms were squeezed, these giant-sized Kenner replicas are 3D scanned from the originals and then 3D printed, and thus far feature soft capes and Wonder Woman’s lasso (it remains to be seen if they’ll do a more complicated figure like Mr. Freeze or Cyborg, but they could probably make bank on those rare tail-ender figures).

Prefer your toys more cartoony? Gentle Giant is also doing large-size scans of Kenner’s Batman Animated line.

The 3D printing part is interesting – will that eliminate the need for tooling in the future, or is it only viable on short runs? For a toy company, the ability not to depend on China would be a real Super Power.