
Say Hello to My Little Friend, Who’s Actually Big and Hairy and a Wookiee

Yes, it’s a Star Wars/Scarface mash-up. Specifcally, it’s a Scarface/Han Solo mash-up, making it totally awesome and necessary for me to post. I’d love a poster of that Han in black and white, no matter how obviously nerdy it is. Oh, there’s no Super Terrific Japanese Thing today, partially because I didn’t see any items that wacky/insane/awful, and I would have felt bad doing a STJT when I’m not doing an Apparel or FFF. Still, if you need a dose of upsetting Japanese weirdness and don’t mind it’s not a thin, I direct you to this story about 1,300 pounds of stolen bull semen, and the suicide of the man in charge of said bull semen. Enjoy. And thanks to CommandSheep for the tip (on Scar Wars, not the bull semen).