
A Thoughtful and Well-Reasoned Discourse on Why Pi Can Go Suck It

If you celebrated Pi Day yesterday on Monday, YOU ARE OFFICIALLY PART OF THE PROBLEM. Oh sure, I used to find Pi Day cute and innocent and nerdy myself, but that was until astute Topless Roboteer Adam M. sent me this video from mathematician/musician Vi Hart. In this video, Hart clearly explains why pi is a fucking joke to be abhorred at all costs — okay, she doesn’t do that, really, but she does explain why pi is problematic and the Christopher Columubus of math (it’s a hell of an analogy). And she does all of this with math that I personally am too dumb and too far out of high school to understand, but I still find kind of sexy. I imagine Vi will be getting a few nerdy marriage proposals for this video, but watch out — I’m pretty sure Adam M. is first in line.