
Bizarre French Animation Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart Gets English Dub, U.S. Release


I posted a French-language clip from this film back in January, not knowing if we’d ever get it over here. The tale of a boy with a clockwork ticker in his, well, ticker looks like a Cirque du Soleil adventure that could be enacted with those creepy ball-jointed dolls some people like to collect.

It’s tempting to say that it looks strongly Tim Burton influenced, except I think it’s unfair to every writer who has ever devised a creepy circus scenario to make Tim Burton the epitome of it all. Certainly there are plenty of French comics we haven’t even heard of that are weird and twisted – like, how many of you knew about Snowpiercer before it was made into a movie? Primarily, though, this film is based on a concept album by French band Dionysos. Which means the idea is probably the result of some serious drugs.