
TR Contest: Nerd Regrets


?Despite the fact that Monday was a holiday and I was off Tuesday, it’s been a helluva long week for me. So forgive me if I get right to it. After many creative TR contests, it’s back to story time — tell me your biggest nerd regrets. Missing a collectible you could’ve bought? Never beat a certain videogame? Ditching a Star Wars premiere to go out on a date? Selling your childhood toy collection at a garage sale? Don’t pretend you don’t have them.

I have many, but I think I’ll save them for the results so I can start drinking more quickly. I’m thinking I’ll award a shirt to the best story, but also to one random entry, so everyone has a chance to win. One entry per person, try not to go over 200 words, and the contest ends on Monday, July 12th at 12:01 am EST. Here’s the point where I normally make some allusion to FFF, but instead you get a challenge — if you think they;ve been tame recently, send me your suggestions. They can’t be too long or too short (2000-3000 words is best), they have to be nerdy, and they have to be entertaining enough that I can riff on them. Are you a bad enough dude to suggest a Fan Fiction Friday entry? You know where to email me.