
The Legend of Zelda Violin Girl Is Now the Lord of the Rings Violin Girl

You may know Lindsay Sterling for her beautiful Legend of Zelda violin medley and the incredibly well done but also the slightly goofy music video she did for it. Well, Lindsay’s back with a Lord of the Rings music medley, and it’s just as amazing as the first — her performance is astounding, she even sings a bit this time, she’s actually in New Zealand and not only is the video exceedingly well shot, but the cinematographer apparently also had access to a helicopter this time. A fucking helicopter. For a Lord of the Rings-themed fan-made violin music video. That’s insane.

I have the same problem as last time, where Sterling plays the violin like she’s acting out scenes from the movies in her head, which I find incredibly goofy but also kind of adorable. I wonder what she’ll do next. Star Wars seems too obvious… is it too much to hope for an Army of Darkness medley? With her dressed like Ash? Probably, but I think I’ll hope for it anyways. Much thanks to Remy B. for the tip.