schrempr Archive
Topless Robot Podcast: #72 – FOOTBAWL
Tyler ditched the boys for....FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, so Kalen fills in as
Topless Robot Podcast: #71 – I’ll Never Be Sinbad on a Scooter Happy
Ryan's back with cohorts Brooks, Tyler, and Dan as they talk about game
Topless Robot Podcast: #70b – NAMM 2020 ft. Sarah Longfield, Glenn Fricker, Colin Scott, Ty Christian
Live from the Hilton during NAMM 2020! This time around, our podcast mates
Topless Robot Podcast: #70a – hellyeahdude ft. Ty Christian, Neil P, and Rob Bates
Ryan is at NAMM this week so the podcast is full of guests!
Loot Crate August 2019 Unboxing
The missing crate arrived! Is this the last of the worst? Unlikely, as
Topless Robot Podcast: #69 – Noice
Ryan, Tyler, Brooks, and Dan talk about CES 2020, AGDQ, and Jared Leto
Opening some NECA blind bags (recycled Loot Crate swag)
TL;DW: This is absolutely worth it if you weren't a longtime Loot Crate
Topless Robot Podcast: Lumberjacks Don’t Have Moms – Brought To You By Xyience
Ryan, Tyler, Dan, and Brooks talk about wwe 2k20, movies, games, and all
Loot Crate November 2019 Unboxing
Another Loot Crate! It seems NECA is ramping up the deliveries and they're