The New Greatest American Hero Is American, Not Particularly Heroic Yet, But Greatly Stacked
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Ladies, I’m sorry, but this isn’t my fault. I didn’t cast her, so don’t shoot the messenger. At any rate, The Greatest American Hero saga lives on, with a new comic book announced at SDCC, and a new webisode series, the first chapter of which is above. The good news: it ties directly into GAH continuity, by continuing from the TV movie The Greatest American Heroine (which I did not know existed until I saw it on Wikipedia; it was a sequel/pilot that didn’t get picked up). Anyways, the star is the niece (maybe? daughter?) of the original G.A. Heroine, who apparently died last year (story-wise, not in real life. That would be unfortunate)..
The bad news: there’s no suit or superpowers in this first chapter, just some nonsense about a malfunctioning rat trap and her shaving her legs. And the volume changes from reasonably audible to not audible at all. But! If you go to the official GAH site, you can see that actress Morgan Hathaway certainly…uh…fills out the suit nicely. Okay, that was totally my fault. Now I’m going to go stand in the corner and think about what I’ve done for a while.