Portal: Still Alive Comes Alive Today (Updated)
FYI, the Portal prequel Still Alive is available for download on Xbox Live today for 1200 Microsoft points or $15. Given that Still Alive is reportedly longer than the original Portal?and comes with all new Advanced levels and Achievements?oh, and is a massive 629 megs, the largest game ever made available on Xbox Live?it’s not the worst deal. The video above shows the first 10 minutes of the game, which is set before GLaDOS came online. If you have any money leftover from buying Rock Band 2 last weekend, you might want to think about it.
Update: Okay, apparently I’ve been confused about this forever. Portal Prelude is the unofficial prequel to Portal, available on Steam for free. It has 19 test chambers and dialogue?the video I showed before was Prelude. Now Portal Still Alive is only on Xbox Live, is still huge, but has no story and is not a prequel or sequel?it’s just more puzzles, but with Achievements. It’s available today and costs money. I knew when I was writing this I was fucking something up, but it was lunch time and I was really hungry. Sorry!