Salvation for the Preacher Movie
The Hollywood Reporter?slightly more trustworthy than unnamed sources of Australian websites?says that Columbia Pictures is the newest studio to grab the rights to Garth Ennis’ Preacher comic, and plans to make a movie to be directed by Sam Mendes, of Road to Perdition and American Beauty fame. I thought I’d be more excited by the news, but there have been so many Preacher movies and projects announced?including the recently defunct HBO TV series, which probably would have been the best format for Preacher?that I guess I’m not really willing to believe this will actually happen until production starts.
On the plus side, Mendes is currently wrapping up a movie, and his slate is empty?I don’t know what would stop him from making the flick. On the minus side, I think Mendes’ films are overly sentimental and incredibly treacly?e.g., that stupid plastic bag in American Beauty, or the 20-minute slow-motion final death scene in Road to Perdition (which caused me to laugh hysterically, revealing my dickweed-ery to an entire movie theater)?which does not suit Preacher. At all. I guess we’ll see.