Set Phasers to “Racist”
Remember the good old days of the far-off future, when Uhura was white and Sulu was a black man with an inexplicable Japanese last name? Of course you don’t, because you never owned A Mirror of Futility, a Star Trek comic and record set for kids from sometime in the ’70s. Says Comic Mix (who believes the first story might have been drawn by Neal Adams):
And it’s not a random fluke, either?because in the second story drawn by the late great John Buscema, “The Time Stealer”, it happens again. (It also features an appearance by someone who looks very close to Conan, but that’s another story.)
Clearly, Star Trek has always has licensing problems. Still, you have to wonder how this happened?did no one who worked on the comic ever watch the show? Did the character roster fail to point out that Sulu was Japanese and Uhura was black? Did the makers just hate Japanese men and love the white women? Or all of the above?