
Spock Looks Slightly More Logical Now

Phew! Six Star Trek screenshots were released into the wild internest last evening, and scavenging nerds have right-clicked and saved-as all through the night. But the good news is that the waxy, wig-wearing, over-make-upped look of Spock seems to be exclusive to the Entertainment Weekly cover, as Sylar looks less ridiculous in the screenshots. (Actually, I’m wondering if the cover was taken recently, when Quinto was back filming Heroes, thus necessitating he wear an actual wig?this would explain a lot.) There’s the crew?apparently, Kirk’s first Starfleet uniform is going to be black, a holdover from the time the goth kids ruled the planet in the 22nd century?followed by the new bridge, which I actually think looks pretty cool, and finally Eric Bana as the evil alien (below Emo Kirk). The other three screenshots sound terribly interesting (Kirk playing in the snow, the Enterprise in trouble, Spock doing a Vulcan death grip on an unknown person who I personally believe will end up being Kirk) but really aren’t. Still, feel free to look at them here. At any rate, these should set the Trek faithful’s hive mind somewhat at ease.