The Watchmen Movie Will Be Awesome (If It Ever Gets Released)
Warner Bros. isn’t afraid of tempting fate. The studio showed off 30 minutes of Zack Snyder’s Watchmen movie to a crowd of impressed journalists and rapturous nerds pretending to be journalists, as if it wasn’t right in the middle of a lawsuit with Fox over whether the movie could be released at all. Newsarama had the best paragraph which listed various responses and could be easily cut and pasted in this article:
Alex Billington of FirstShowing said it looked ?absolutely phenomenal.? Patrick Lee of Sci Fi Wire dubbed the opening-title montage as ?impressive.? And Michael Cieply of The New York Times said the three clips ?spared nothing when it comes to the messy side of the super life.?
A few actual news tidbits came from the showing, including the fact that the movie will be a hefty two hours and 45 minutes, and Snyder doesn’t think it can or will be cut down any further. Second, the next trailer will be hitched to the James Bond flick Quantum of Solace on November 14th. Finally, Snyder announced he’ll have nothing to do with a sequel if Warner decides to make one. All good news…and incredibly, brutally mean if the movie doesn’t make it out. Thanks a lot, Warner.