Another Moment of Topless Robot Self-Pleasure
Hey, folks! I’m sorry to break the cycle of geekery, but I needed to take a moment to pat myself on my damn back. As it turns out, on Friday afternoon, ol’ Topless Robot hit the 10,000 comment mark! Now admittedly, perhaps 800 or those comments were FLU-BIRD saying something insane, but I’ve decided to go ahead and commemorate the occasion anyways. How, you ask? By giving the 10,000th commenter the official Topless Robot t-shirt:
And I’m pleased to announce that the commenter was none other than Snoodle, a TR regular. I’ve got her email, so don’t bother trying to trick me and score the shirt for yourself. However, if you’re interested in winning a TR shirt, I have a few more, and I also have an idea on how to give them out. But what I need to know if how many people want one?if you do, just leave a comment here. The more comments, the better. It’s in your greedy little hands now, dear readers.