
TR’s Heroes Live-Blog VII: It All Comes Together

Just a reminder that a new episode of Heroes will be on tonight, so there will be a Topless Robot live-blog of the episode. And unless you want me to drink myself to death, you’d best show up so I have someone to type to.

This episode is supposed to be set just before Pa Petrelli’s death prior to season one, which could reveal a ton of cool answers ?or any kind of answers, actually?about what Petrelli’s plan is, or what his motivations are. But given the state of this season, I’m guessing it’s just going to be a big fucking mess, with a new of developments which outright contradict most of what’s been shown in this and previous seasons, while still making zero sense. I know; it’s a bold prediction, but I’m standing by it. See you brave souls at 8:50 pm EST?bring your turtles.