
Hulk Versus Expectations (or, Hulk Smash)

Uh…wow. Just wow. I was marginally excited for Marvel’s Hulk Vs. straight-to-DVD cartoon, if only because I figured by telling two stories–Hulk versus Wolverine and Hulk versus Thor–there’s probably be less time for nonsense, and more time for fighting, which is what we all want to see. And then I watched the new preview from Marvel, and Hulk Vs. has smashed the hell out of…some kind of bad thing, because watching this, all I can see are very awesome things. Hulk hitting Wolverine with a rock? Thor being genuinely scared because Hulk has come to Asgard? Weapon X and goddamn Deadpool? I can’t believe how great this looks. Frankly, if Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow was the price we had to pay for Hulk Vs., I say we’re possibly coming up even.