
The Greatest Thundercats Movie Trailer You Will Ever, Ever See

About four million people sent me this tip in the last two hours, and deservedly so–this incredible fan-made trailer for a Thundercats movie is awesome on several levels. It does look great, and it’s very well edited, which already puts it above most fan videos. But–and it took me a second to realize this, sadly–but the trailer is assembled entirely from footage of other movies, photoshopped with incredible skill to transform Brad Pitt from Troy, Vin Diesel from the Riddick movies, and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine into Lion-O, Panthro and Tygra, respectively. They all look incredible, as do the spy Kids as WilyKit and WilyKat, and the CG Garfield as Snarf.

Even more impressively–and how good the trailer looks is pretty goddamned impressive already–creator WormyT managed to grab sound clips of the actors saying appropriately Thundercatty things, but even assemble clips to make it sound like Diesel and Jackman are saying “Lion-O.” Frankly, even if a real Thundercats movie ever, ever gets made, it will never, never look even half as good as this trailer.