Who Wants Kids to Play with Him
Doctor Who, that is (or should I say “The Doctor,” as I have found out today that his full name isn’t Dr. Engelbert P. Who, as I had originally thought. My apologies). Underground Toys, owners of the Doctor Who figure license, will release Time Squad, yet another line in the vein of Hasbro’s Superhero Squad/Combat Heroes/Robot Heroes/etc. There’s only one pack with “The Doctor,” and that’s shown above, and includes the
Supreme Dalek, Davros, the Slitheen, and Weeping Angel. The second pack includes
Cyberman, Black Dalek, Scarecrow, Vashta Nerada, and Sontaran, while the third has a Bronze Dalek, Sycorax, Natural Ood, Pyrovile, and Clockwork Man, which you can see here.
One can only hope that the bisexual adventurers of Torchwood might make it into the line later, which could really open the door for children’s toys of adult properties. I’m crossing my fingers I’ll be able to buy a Rocky Horror Picture Show Transvestite Heroes toyline before I die.