Beyond the Valley of the Dollhouse
Hey, Dollhouse fans! Remember, th — hey, wait, where are you all going? Okay, let me rephrase: Hey, people who continue to give Dollhouse a chance! Remember, this week’s episode is the sixth, which everyone says — including Whedon, Dushku, and all the TV gossip pundits — is where the show finally starts being awesome instead of mediocre or actively awful, which is why its airing against the 2-hour Battlestar Galactica finale, I guess. Anyways, the evil Doll codenamed Alpha has finally been revealed, and he’s waiting after the jump.
Yes, it’s Alan Tudyk. THE TUD’! Whedonites know him best as the genial Wash from Firefly, so it’ll be interesting to see him as a crazed, knife-happy psychopath for a while. This pic comes from Dollhouse set designer Leonard Harman, who was just trying to show off some of the sets (including Alpha’s lair) but fans just happened to notice the abive pic, which contains Tudyk. SO that’ll be fun.
Also — and this is just for people watching the show — Topher is totally a Doll, right? I know they haven’t said or hinted at it, but c’mon — he’s the same age as all the Dolls, and he’s way too young to have developed all this master brainwashing/imprinting technology on his own. He just has to have a previous scientist’s memories skills downloaded into his noggin permanently to run the show. Right? (And while I’m espousing theories, I’m afraid the chick in charge is Echo’s mom, which is why she’s so protective of Echo. and don’t give me that first scene in the first episode as reason why not — Echo could easily have been a Doll then, too. It just seems like an all-too-likely twist to me.) (Via io9)