Anime Pirates Foiled from Pirating Pirate Anime
I know a great many of you don’t give a shit about anime, but bear with me. One Piece — one of my most favorite anime series ever, and don’t ask me about it unless you want 1000 words or so on why it’s the best, most brilliant shonen series ever — is finally getting the anti-piracy treatment courtesy of Funimation and Viz. Beginning May 30th, Funimation will offer new episodes of the series on, one hour after the episode airs in Japan (which looks to begin with episode #403, right in the middle of the Shabondy arc), while Viz will run the current manga chapters in Shonen Jump sometime this fall.
I’m pretty goddamn excited, although I don’t know how much good this will do One Piece DVD or manga sales in the U.S. (sure can’t hurt, though). Now, if Viz would only show a little of that Naruto love to the One Piece manga and get me volumes 22-53 a little faster than one per every six months, I will be one happy fucking Straw Hat pirate. (Via AnimeVice and ANN)