TR Contest: The Worst Moment in Transformers 3
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In less than a week — June 24th, to be exact — Transformers 2 will open, and whether you love it or hate, think Devastator’s wrecking ball testicles are hilarious or unholy, it’s going to make a jillion dollars, and there’s going to be a third one. I appreciate all you folks that sent me the tip that Bay was quitting the Transformers franchise, but I didn’t run it because I didn’t believe it; not only was the source suspect, I refused to believe Michael Bay had any interest in making a quiet, indie-type film. That’s not him — I don’t think he could if he tried. For good or ill, Michael Bay only makes stupid movies where a lot of shit explodes, and there’s no reason he wouldn’t be able to do more of the same in TF3.
So we’re getting a third TF flick, and I want to look ahead — I want you guys to tell me what the worst appearance/moment/scene will be in Transformers 3 (I also wanted to post the above pic, which I made and am inordinately pleased with). We’ve gone from robots peeing to robot genitalia, but I have no doubt Bay has room for more. Feel free to add script notes and dialog, but let’s not go too long, because these will probably depress me as they’ll all be terrifyingly plausible.
Now, you Bayformers apologists, my apologies — stay tuned next week, because I’ll be running another haiku contest with a bonus prize. The rest of you, lay it on me. One entry per person, not too long, your votes are appreciated, and PAY ATTENTION HERE — the contest will end on MONDAY AT 12AM EST. NOT 3AM. 12 AM. Because I finally got the comment timestamp changed to EST, as you’ll notice if/when you comment. Post after 12:01AM, and I believe a manspanking session will be in order.