TR Contest: Your Nerd Year’s Resolution
?As I type this last post of 2009, I’m awash in memories and emotions. But rather than meditate on them, I’d rather just get drunk and start celebrating 2010. So let’s get this contest under way, shall we? Obviously, I’m looking for your nerdy New Year’s Resolution. Personally, I resolve to finally see Avatar in 3-D, but since I’m planning to do that on Friday or Saturday, that seems like a bit of a cop-out. So I, Rob Bricken, Master Control of Topless Robot, do hereby resolve:
? To finish watching Doctor Who and Torchwood, and get started on the Avatar cartoon
? To try and halt my body’s transformation into a Unicorn-sized mass of flab, thanks to my awesome and utterly sedentary pro-blogging lifestyle
? To not let FFXIII fuck up my TR schedule, no matter how much I want to
? To try and actually edit at least some of my posts
Now, it’s your turn. Gimme your nerdy resolutions for 2010, and you may win a free TR shirt. Please note:
* One resolution per person. Yes, I know I did four. You get one.
? The contest ends at 12:01 am, Monday, January 4th, which is coincidentally the day normal coverage will resume on TR.
? There’ll be at least one winner, but possibly more.
And no , I have no idea where this terrifying New Year’s Baby clipart came from, other than my Google image search. Isn’t it terrifying? It looks like Bullock from Batman: The Animated Series wearing a diaper. Jesus, I think I’ll start my drinking now. Happy New Year, everybody.