The War for Cybertron Is Looking Better All the Time
We know Transformers: War for Cybertron is the awesome, G1-inspired but not beholden videogame with the trailer that made most of us pee our nerd pants. It takes place on Cybertron, the Transformers have their Cybertronian vehicle modes, it looks groovy, yadda yadda. You know that. That’s not why I’m posting.
I’m posting because War for Cybertron is going to be Hasbro’s TF toyline for 2010, apparently, and it’s going to be just as awesome as the game. You’re looking at the robot mode for WfC Bumblebee, and it’s clear proof that the Transformers’ classic and beloved G1 designs could easily have been updated and modified for modern audiences and still be both cool and visually coherent, but Michael Bay did not want them to be. It’s going to be a good year for Transformers fans. A very good year. (Via 16bit)