
Behold the Triumphant Cinematic Debut of Samppa Von Cyborg

First of all: No, it’s not the kid. Second: No, it’s possibly not his real name. Third: Yes, the trailer is supposed to be that wide — it was shot like that on purpose. This is Frame 137, which claims to be both cyberpunk and based on the works of Crow creator James O’Barr; I’ll have to trust it on that, but it sure does have a young kid beating up thugs and smoking and drinking and spitting fire at people, and that ain’t bad. I have no idea when or where this thing will actually air, but if I see any more footage, I’ll be sure to let you know — mostly because I’ve just declared myself president of the Samppa Von Cyborg fan club, and it turns out watching this movie is goal #1. Thanks to first officer D. Smith for the tip. (Via First Showing)