
Harry Potter’s Pants Are on Fire

It’s not Last Airbender trailer, but here’s a commercial for The Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park which was also supposed to premiere during the Super Bowl on Sunday. While we’ve already talked about how impressive the park will be, it’s interesting to note that the commercial resorts to pretending the kids will play Quidditch and that Daniel Radcliffe will be around to invite them to die on his behalf during some preposterously dangerous adventure. Of course, then the kids will get there, and discover not only that their only chance to ride brooms is at the Quidditch-themed Bumper Cars, but that they hired some skeezy 24-year-old to play Harry, who’ll try inevitably try to mack on the hot 13-year-olds, get busted, and drag Universal Orlando into a very awkward lawsuit. Amusing!