
This Is What Happens When British Nerds Don’t Have Doctor Who to Watch

Those Matt Smith episodes better start airing pronto otherwise streets throughout the UK are going to be overrun by these sorts of shenanigans. On Saturday, British chaps Tom Merchant-Locke, Daniel Morgan Jones and Liam Penn used Facebook to mobilize a flashmob of would-be Star Warriors. Their mission? To stage a massive lightsaber battle at the Cabot Circus shopping plaza in Bristol, England. It’s common knowledge that a good deal of UK residents consider Jediism to be their religion, but few knew that they felt passionately enough about their beliefs to freak out strangers running their weekend errands. According to /Film, more than 100 aspiring Jedi turned out for the battle. This was allegedly the biggest public lightsaber fight ever held in public, which seems surprising given the thousands who attend the frequent Star Wars Celebration gatherings. (Event organizers never thought to plan such a thing for a Guinness record or something? Seems odd). Anyways, American nerds should realize that the gauntlet has been thrown down and get to organizing a bigger and better saber flashmob. Or something. Either way it’s all pretty silly.