
TR Contest: Supervillain Yourself


?Sorry, folks, but last week’s contest had such good entries that I couldn’t resist going back to the well. This time, I need you to turn to a life of supervillainy and tell me about your new, dastardly life of crime. Like last week, please give me your name and motif — specifically what special crimes you commit, and/or how you commit them. To a lesser extent, feel free to list any equipment you might use, although please remember you do not get superpowers and you are not particularly well-funded. I’ll accept a henchman or two, but only if you give them ridiculous ’60s-Batman-style matching henchmen names.

I’ll go ahead and say my entry is “The Creepy Guy,” the man who stays in weird abandoned houses and waits for young boys to enter, and then repeatedly gives them enemas. So no one take that one.

Also like last week, keep it to 100 words (I’ll be checking via Microsoft Word this time instead of counting while drunk, so I don’t recommend pressing your luck and going over. One entry per person, and the contest ends on Monday, April 26th at 12:01 am EST. Have a great weekend, folks and I hope everyone gets a chance to EXPERIENCE BEEJ