
Electron Boy Saved the Day


?From the Seattle Times:

Thursday was shaping up to be just another school day for 13-year-old
Erik Martin, but then something extraordinary happened: Spider-Man

Spider-Man happens to be one of the few people who knows that Erik,
too, has a secret identity — he’s Electron Boy, a superhero who fights
the powers of evil with light.

And Spider-Man needed Erik’s help.

Erik, who is living with liver cancer, has always wanted to be a
superhero. On Thursday, the regional chapter of the Make-A-Wish
Foundation granted him that wish with an elaborate event that involved
hundreds of volunteers in Bellevue and Seattle.

Please, if you do anything I ask of you today, this week, this month, whatever, click this link here and read the entire story of how the Seattle Sounders, the Bellevue Police Department, the Discovery Channel, some local actors, the Puget Sound Electric company, the Make-a-Wish Foundation, and a decent portion of the entire city of Seattle banded together to make one young nerd’s dream of becoming a superhero and saving the day come true. It’s beyond heart-warming, beyond amazing, beyond wonderful. This is an act of nerdery that redefines the word “impressive.” Truly, there are a great many superheroes in Seattle right now. Thanks to Kevin T. and rengeek81 for the tip.