Time-Traveling Police Box for Sale, Some Wear and Tear but Roomier Than You’d Expect
?Yes, the TARDIS. Specifically, Chris Eccleston’s Ninth Doctor’s TARDIS, which is going to be auctioned off on Wednesday. The listing reads:
A complete Tardis prop, circa 2005, of painted rasped wood panel and
glass construction, the base having painted parquet effect floor,
panels fastening using bracket and bolt, having a pair of hinged doors,
on with Yale? lock, with windows to doors and signage to front, top
section of Tardis with removable ‘Police Box’ signs, interior of
Tardis roof with a number of miniature lights, and further interior
lighting, the roof with removable lamp to top, height approximately
It’s expected to fetch around $18,000 or so, which actually seems pretty fucking reasonable to me for one of the TARDIS props from the new Doctor Who series. I mean, that’s only about the price of a car. This is something Doctor has stood in (not to mention Billie Piper), plus it travels through time and space. $18,000 is a bit of a steal. (Via Technabob)