
TR Contest: A New Topless Robot Slogan

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?This weekend’s contest comes to us from Scooter Atreides, who says:

Not that there’s anything wrong with “Nerd News, Humor, And Self-Loathing”, but if there was to be a new TR slogan–what should it be?

I’ve been trying to avoid self-referential contests — entries in contest about TR or me are fine, but whole contests seems impossibly self-indulgent — but this seems like it could be fun. Maybe it’ll even be insightful for me to see how you guys really think of Topless Robot. At the very least you can take a lot of cheap shots at me and the site and make me cry the entire weekend.

One entry per person, the taglines should be pretty damn short, and the contest will end at 12:01 am on Monday, June 14th. Oh, and I won’t be changing the real tagline unless someone writes something that’s actually more accurate than “Nerd news, humor and self-loathing” and still short enough to run in the space currently allotted. So I wouldn’t hold your breath, but you’re welcome to try. Have a great weekend, and again, I’d  keep those umbrellas and raincoats on you at all times. Just in case.