
DVD Day: August 3rd, 2010


?? Kick-Ass
The TR review is here. Short version: It’s fun and not even slightly deep (which is fine). I’m not sure you’ll need to own it, though.

? Heroes Season 4
Finally! Now you catch watch the cello lady play the cello and shoot rainbows for 8 meaningless episodes in a row any time you want!

? Escape from New York
It’s like Escape from L.A., but it came first and is good. On Blu-ray.

? Humanoids from the Deep
Some Roger Corman crap. Sorry, guys who idolize Corman, but I’ve watched far too much MST3K to think that Corman is anything other than a terrible director. Yes, I’m glad he gave some other more talented people their start. Doesn’t make his own movies any better.

? Piranha
Another Corman “Classic,” no doubt totally coincidentally coming out just before Piranha 3-D does on August 20th.

? Henson’s Place: The Man Behind the Muppets
It’s a little hard to tell from the description, but it looks like this was a documentary done on Henson when he was alive. So that’s neat.

? Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared Syn
I have never seen this movie, and I never will. There’s just no way it can live up to its wonderful awful title.

? The Wallflower Complete Collection
I haven’t seen the anime, but I love the manga it’s based on. It’s all about four super-hot guys who live with a crazy goth girl, and they’re supposed to try to turn her into a lady. I’m serious on all counts. It’s one of four or so manga series I currently collect.  I’m pitching softballs here, people. Go for it.

? The Real Ghostbusters Vol. 3
Five DVDs, 31 episodes, plenty of extras.

? The Dungeon Masters
While the trailer looked good, by all accounts this documentary on D&D players who are also kind of crazy didn’t do nerds any favors. Unless you’re a nerd who like to dress up in your character 24/7, or are a nudist on the side. Then it’s pretty accurate.