
A Lotta Force Unleashed II and a Lil’ Bioshock Infinite

I was actually hoping that GameTrailers had just the Bioshock Infinite gameplay clip up, but it turns out it’s 30 seconds after several minutes of The Force Unleashed II during their GT TV show. But I actually didn’t mind, because the new gameplay footage of TFU2 looks pretty good. The platforming looks much better — meaning it looks average instead of awful — and the gameplay has a nice God of War scope to it. “A-ha, Bricken!” you yell. “What shenanigans are these? You keep lambasting Castlevania: Lords of Shadow for being a God of War clone, but praise TFU2 for the same?” Actually, no. See, my problem with LoS is that the gameplay looks exactly like GoW, same combat, same combo system, practically the same weapon. What I like about TFU is the GoW-type scope of giant monsters fucking around with the environment, while you kick ass with insane Force powers. Note: If Castlevania: LoS had shown me anything as exciting as God of War with Force powers, I’d be all over it.

As for Bioshock Infinite, the gameplay footage is so brief, but so good. I don’t know if those are scenes from just one level where shit is hitting the fan, but holy shit is shit hitting the fan. I’m also excited that you seem to be killing regular people and not some type of splicers, but I’m fucked up like that. But most importantly, if you didn’t immediately decide to purchase the game the instant you saw the protagonist hit a dude hanging on a monorail line knocking him into a building and leaving a massive blood splatter… well, you’re not me, that’s for sure.