Winter Is Coming and Also a Bird
I know how many of you guys are excited about HBO’s adaptation of George R.R. Martin’s A Game of Thrones — me too, despite having not read the books — so I’m happy to post this new teaser for the series, although it’s half generic fantasy shots and half bird. I don’t know if you guys can tell specific characters/scenes from this thing, but if so, please feel free to shout ’em out in the comments. Even if you can’t, there’s still some good news — HBO also released a behind-the-scenes video of very little behind-the-scenes and more talking heads, but one of those heads was Martin himself, who said, “There was this incredible moment of ‘My God, they got it right.’ There
it is. The majority of my fans are going to be very happy, because
they’re going to see the story that I told come alive, played by some
fantastic actors.” I don’t think good signs come much gooder, people. (Via Blastr)