
MTV’s Teen Wolf Is a Thing

Do to various reasons, I haven’t made my morning coffee yet, and I’m not ready to begin the day’s hate, even though there’s a trailer for MTV’s Teen Wolf series and it’s pretty much Twilight in Michael J. Fox’s letter jacket. Maybe it’s because while I like the original Teen Wolf, I don’t love it enough that massive deviations from the original bother me, or because MTV almost certainly licensed the franchise specifically for the title, and then was going to go make the Twilight-iest show possible anyways, and there was no reason to suspect otherwise. I dunno. I do know this — if you’re going to go with the “the prom’s on the night of the full moon!” and “my girlfriend’s dad is a werewolf hunter!” right out of the gate, you’re making a comedy series, whether you mean to or not. This show definitely could’ve taken a lesson from ’80s Scott and Stiles in that regard. (Via Shockya)